
The Now Me

I recently had a friend get in touch with me after seven years. We parted with some tension, when I moved down to the big city and she felt abandoned. We used to drive through the canyons feeling the wind and singing to the Indigo Girls. She's a soprano, I'm an alto. I usually miss her when I'm singing.

At about the same time she contacted me, I was going through some photographs of myself from when we lived together. I can't believe how young, and lovely, and silly I was. Silly to believe that I wasn't young or lovely. I hated my body, I thought I was fat. And I've become what I believed myself to be. Sixty pounds overweight instead of twenty or so. No wonder so many people in our society are overweight. We live in a world that tells us we can never be thin enough, that we all have pounds to lose, that we're all overweight. And because we believe ourselves to be overweight, we become it.

I wish I had enjoyed my body then.

I need to enjoy it now.

So in honor of that, I'm not going to post that photo of the old me. I'm going to celebrate the now me.

Day 292 of 365  •  8.10.07

10:30 p.m. - 2007-08-10

1 observations

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